The IPKat has just received the exciting news that, from this very month of January 2009, the Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Federation will be known as the
IP Federation. This new name, says the Federation's press release, "portrays a contemporary, fresher image for the Federation, which continues to represent the views of UK industry on intellectual property policy and practice matters within the EU, the UK and internationally". The Federation press release says lots of lovely things about itself, many of which are perfectly true and the rest of which are quite excusable in the excitement of the make-over. The IPKat wishes the Federation the best of luck in its new incarnation, as (he suspects) do those poor souls who used to dread having to fit "Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Federation" into the little space available on window envelopes.
Merpel says, there's something about the style and simplicity of the new logo that does rather remind her of that of the
Intellectual Property Institute, whose headquarters is less than a mile away. She wonders, if one logo had been protected by a registered trade mark and the other was the subject of an application to register it for identical or highly similar services, might there not be just an itsy-bitsy argument in support of a likelihood of confusion?

What do the IPKat's readers think? Do let him -- and Merpel -- know!