What should you take with you to the EQEs?

IPKat reader and ukpatents member Charlie Ashworth, a trainee patent attorney in the Channel Islands, writes with a question about the dreaded European Qualifying Examinations (EQEs), which are coming around again in a couple of months. Charlie says, "I have never before taken open book exams, and am a bit baffled with where to start with what to take in.  The EPO website lists every text book going, but I am sure for those in the know there are prefered texts to arm yourself with!".

(right: the traditional Alderney pastime of wearing fancy umbrellas)

Fellow EQE-taker David has replied with a list of texts that he used in his first (partially successful) attempt last year, which includes the ubiquitous Visser, as well as the less well known (and highly recommended) PCT book by Cees Mulder.  He has also recommended his own cross-referenced EPC, which is available for free from the IPKat's google groups website.  

The IPKat wonders if any of his readers, perhaps those who are preparing to take the EQEs this time round, or who have taken (and preferably passed) them in the past couple of years, have any further useful suggestions for things (and not just books!) to take to the exams with you.