Patent Law and Theory -- seminar and book launch

Readers of the PatLit patent litigation weblog will already know, but IPKat readers may not, that on the afternoon of Tuesday 17 March there is a patent seminar-book-launch. The seminar, for which admission is freee and which carries 3 CPD points, marks the launch of Patent Law and Theory, a collection of current patent law essays edited by Toshiko Takenaka and published by Edward Elgar Publishing.  

Right: it might take a bit of magic to squeeze everyone in ...

IPKat team member Jeremy is editor of the series to which this tome belongs. He has written a chapter and will be chairing the seminar too.  Everyone is welcome, though the event looks like it may be oversubscribed  -- in which case we may be picking names out of a hat to see who gets in.

Details of the event can be found here.
Details of Toshiko's new book can be found here.