SharePoint Conference Season Dates 2009

I thought I’d put this together just to see when (and where) everything is happening this year. I'm not sure what I’ll be going to, but it’s good to know the dates.

SharePoint Connections -- March 22-25 -- Orlando
SharePoint Summit -- April 6-8 -- Montreal
Microsoft TechEd -- May 11-15 -- LA
Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference -- July 13–16 -- New Orleans
Microsoft SharePoint Conference -- October 19-22 -- Las Vegas
Microsoft TechDays in Halifax -- November 2-3 -- Halifax, Canada
TechEd Europe 2009 -- November 9-13 -- Berlin
SharePoint Connections -- November 9-12 -- Las Vegas
Microsoft PDC -- November 17-20 -- LA

Metalogix usually has a booth at most of these. This year, we'll have the added honour of showcasing our new Selective Restore Manager for SharePoint Backups.