Copyright publications

It may not be Harry Potter, but if you add up all the volumes of Copinger & Skone James on Copyright -- now in its 15th glorious edition -- which must have been lovingly purchased by the copyright fraternity, the aggregated sales must be quite impressive. 

Right: Messrs Copinger and Skone James engage in some on-site discussion of som of the finer points of performers' right

Devotees of C & SJ will be delighted to discover, if they have not already done so, that the Third Cumulative Supplement to the 15th edition has now been published. Sleek and black, with lix [not what you might think -- it's just the Latin for 59] and 619 pages, it's absolutely un-put-downable [says Merpel, unless you don't do copyright, in which case it's un-pick-upable]. From the penultimate paragraph of the Foreword, the observant reader will soon spot that the editors, Gillian Davies and Gwilym Harbottle (Hogarth Chambers), are inviting comments from readers as to the current edition and for its successor, the 16th edition which is rolling up for publication in 2010.  Say the Two Gs, 
"Send us your observations by 31 July 2009, by email to, and you could be the winner of a wonderful prize -- a free copy if the 16th edition".
Says the IPKat, since the 15th edition currently costs £545 and the publishers are not likely to be selling the 16th at bargain basement prices, this looks like a good prize to win. Says Merpel, it's just dawned on me what the connection is between Harry Potter and Copinger & Skone James -- it's Hogwarts and Hogarth ...

Copinger & Skone James web page here.

While the Kat is on the subject of copyright, he just wants to say that he recently received an author's offprint of "Conserving Culture and Copyright: a partial history", an article by Professor William Cornish which was recently published in a journal the Kats don't usually get to see -- the Edinburgh Law Review (vol.13, no.1, 2009).  You can get hold of it for a moderate price by clicking here.  The IPKat just wanted to say how pleased he is that Bill is still productively active and hopes that this scholarly and dignified contributor to the understanding of so many of us continue to do so for many a long year.