New Zealand rejects ISP rule; GSK patent pool

Three strikes struck out

The Register reports that the New Zealand government has put on hold plans for a 'three strikes and you're out' rule, forcing ISPs to disconnect those accused of illegal downloading three times. This follows a concerted internet campaign against the measure - s.92a of the Copyright Act . However, s.92a is to be rewritten, and John Key, the NZ prime minister has said that he won't allow the internet to become a 'Wild West' for piracy.

The IPKat is happy about this. As more and more activities take place over the internet (in terms of communication, interactions with local and central government and of course business transactions), a complete cutting off of internet access looks particularly punitive.

Pharma patent pool

Reuters reports that GSK has placed 800 drugs into a patent pool to be shared with others trying to find cures for neglected tropical diseases. The move was announced in GSK's corporate responsibility annual report yesterday. Meanwhile the Guardian reports that International Development minister, Ivan Lewis, plans to approach leading pharmaceutical companies to encourage them to join the pool. Mr Lewis said "Challenging pharma to do their bit ... is entirely legitimate."

The IPKat welcome's GSK's move. He's not sure whether it's the job of government to go round drumming up support for the scheme and telling people how to use their private property though.