
With respect to incident management, and incident response and forensic analysis of Windows systems, what are your issues, concerns, and requirements?

What I mean by this is, what resources are out there that help you meet your needs and goals, and which ones simply are not available? What meets your needs, and what needs aren't being met?

These questions apply across the board, regardless of whether you're local, state, or federal LE, a consultant, FTE IT staff, college/university student, etc.

Is it a matter of the availability of information with respect to various or specific topics? If so, which ones? What about training? Is there information out that may be useful, but is out of reach for some reason (aside from being classified)? What are your limitations in these regards? Time? Funding? How could your requirements in these areas be better met?

Have you come through an incident or completed some forensic analysis and been left with questions or concerns, such as "did I miss something?" or "what could I have done better?"

Are you looking around and simply not finding your needs being met? Have you sat down and figured out what those needs are, even if they're moving targets? Do you keep coming back to some of them over and over again?