SABIP declares its approach to copyright priorities

Nobody told the IPKat that SABIP, the UK's Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property Policy, was going public on its copyright proposals yesterday with the launch of a 28-page document called "Strategic Priorities for Copyright". Apparently external users faced some technical impediments in downloading the document, so interested parties were mailed it in person. You can read the document here.

Right: The IPKat misunderstands SABIP's intention of engaging with stakeholders

Having only just got hold of it, the IPKat hasn't been able to read it through yet. He can however advise you that, if you love the environment, don't print pages 2, 27 and 28 since they contain no substantive text. Merpel says, this isn't about copyright reform itself but rather about SABIP's approach. The document states:
"The following areas have been identified as of strategic importance to the UK:

(1) The role of the copyright system in fostering creativity and innovation;
(2) Issues concerning the ownership and coverage of copyright;
(3) Rights management techniques and technologies;
(4) The relationship between copyright and contract law;
(5) Possible simplifi cation of the copyright framework;
(6) The implications of changing attitudes and practices among consumers.

SABIP will consider research currently being undertaken in these fields. Its work programme will then seek to fill the research gaps, where feasible, focusing on issues of long-term strategic relevance that are likely to affect the future role and coverage of the copyright framework".
A little later the paper adds:
"This paper is not a formal consultation document, but SABIP will welcome comments on the scope of its work programme. As an advisory body with a mandate to concentrate on longer-term strategic policy, SABIP poses here some fundamental questions about the copyright system and the principles upon which it is based. Its work programme will examine the strengths, potential flexibility, and possible shortcomings of the current system before making its policy recommendations. Its eventual advice will take into account the extent to which new business models and new forms of creativity could be successfully developed or expressed within the existing copyright system or whether more significant reforms of the framework might need to be considered.

SABIP looks forward to engaging with stakeholders and deepening the evidence base on these critical economic and social issues".
Adds the IPKat, it's possible that the words "looks forward to" in that final sentence has some different meaning in this paper than the one he knows, but the stakeholders in question -- lovely people though they are -- are not inclined to curl up and die when their vital interests are under real or even apparent threat. When they engage with SABIP, this engagement may be audible at some distance.

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