Thinking Black

Hey web crawlers. So today I was looking into some cool black-hat SEO (search engine optimization) tools, and I have collected quite an assortment of tools. This first one is an amazing black-hat blog and personal forum site. It has tons of great tips, and very quality blog posts. Many of them are technical, dealing with back doors, redirects and proxies. The site includes ethical articles as well, and reviews of top products or famous sites. This site is an invaluable resource, and can teach you a lot of cool black hat lessons; It just may take a few minutes to find an article you are interested in (their easy nav on the left will help a lot :D) This site can also help you make some fast money too, if you are interested ;D. The next tool I am bestowing on you black-hat trainees is an interesting one. This one, lets you scan websites for injection vulnerabilities and even launch some attacks. Don't use it too much though, it was only meant to use on your own website, and if he notices your IP too often you will be banned. Their home site, also has thousands of useful tools, all very technical! This would be a great place to get the tech-know-how / explicit code after you research your intrusion topic a bit. Finally, I am going to leave you with two more great black hat SEO blogs. These blogs have tons of great articles, chock full of code and fantastic ways to prod CSS, or use PHP to detect someone using a proxy against you, and tons of great Google Keyword Tool tips. The first site, has some really good articles and lots of great PHP information. The second site, has fantastic SEO articles and will help you research many black hat topics, and link you to quality information.