Catching up again - Broken Ribs and Dislocated Finger Mending, Dr. Brokenleg Coming

I've been a little unfocused. I had another post to put up from the Energy Conference Monday, but the video wouldn't work right. But here's a picture of the Chester Creek Bike Trail, somewhere between New Seward and Lake Otis.Going places by bike has given me some much needed outdoor, exercise, and nature time.

J1 did get to San Francisco from Seattle to take J home from the hospital Monday and to look after him for a while. Local friends there have come by and offered help. As of this evening he can walk up and down the stairs, he walked a bit outside today, but he has a lot of abrasions all over and a few missing chunks that the doctor said would heal themselves eventually. The police report won't be available for ten days, but we can talk to the police officer who took the report on Saturday. I think J1 said she has a name and a commercial license plate. Apparently no word from the person who hit J, but then I suspect he may not be easy to track down. No, I'm being generous, you can get his blog easily through google.

I woke up too late Tuesday to go to the second day of the conference and so I took advantage of the continued good weather (it's clouded over somewhat tonight) and ran and did garden stuff. Then in the afternoon I went to my Thai class. These started at Wat Alaska (the Thai Buddhist Temple near C and Fireweed) on Tuesday afternoons soon after we got back. I'm hoping to not only keep where I am, but make some progress. It's been a lot of fun. And I'm learning a lot more about monks and Thai temples and words that go with that as well as other things. We're also going back and doing some basics I skipped when I started learning to read Thai.

My regular teacher said he would be in Juneau this week and I would have a substitute - a visiting monk from Thailand. Long story short, I'm taking him to Seward tomorrow and Friday we'll try to see whales. He can't eat after noon, just drink. But he doesn't have to get up at 4 am to chant when we're in Seward.

After Thai I went to the steering committee meeting of Healing Racism Anchorage. Dr. Martin Brokenleg will be in Anchorage on Tuesday - HRA is one of the sponsors. There will be a community discussion Tuesday night at Wendy Williamson Auditorium from 5:30 to 8:30 - yes there will be some snacks, and it's free. Here's UAA's announcement.

Tuesday, May 26, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Wendy Williamson Auditorium

The community is invited to participate in a meaningful and authentic dialogue about race and diversity. Participants will also gain an awareness of the ethnic and cultural experiences that are in Anchorage and explore how to interrupt racism. For 30 years Dr. Brokenleg was a professor of Native American studies at Augustana College of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He has consulted and led training programs throughout North America, New Zealand, and South Africa. Dr. Brokenleg will present and facilitate the participatory, community dialogue. How can Anchorage as a community comfortably explore, interrupt and address racism?

Light refreshments will be served. This event is free and open to the public.

Healing Racism's next six week seminar, "Building Alliances to End Racism" will begin May 28 and go through July 2 on Thursday evenings. You can
email me
for more details.

This afternoon I had new x-rays and the physician assistant said they were good and now the buddy finger is free and the splint is just on the recovering finger. I'm even typing normal, or somewhat normal. You can't touch type if you can't feel and the splint is over the tip of that finger. I'm supposed to call a physical therapist tomorrow. I think that's overkill for the finger, but she's a two minute walk from the house, so I'll do it. but it is straight and normal looking.