Dr. Brokenleg Breakfast

Dr. Martin Brokenleg spoke at a breakfast meeting (ugh) this morning, and I managed to get there in time. I'm writing this because

  • He was a very good speaker
  • He lived the tolerance he talked about - at least the way he talked
  • He has an important message about race (and class) that I think is the best approach I've heard about (and is closely related to the Healing Racism in Anchorage approach)
  • He was funny.

And because he is going to talk again tonight for free at UAA from 5:30-8:30pm. Even if you can't get there on time, I'd say come anyway. There will be some light refreshments first. It will be at Wendy Williamson Auditorium.

I'd note, he did mention that he told the deaf interpreter that he wouldn't watch her, because his brother is deaf and watching her is like hearing an echo and totally distracting.

A note on the quality of the photo above. My pocket sized Canon allows me to take the camera anywhere unobtrusively. I've found a number of hotels do a terrible job about lighting for speakers. Dr. Brokenleg spoke in a dark spot in the room. I like the more natural feel of not using a flash. And I also feel as a blogger, I want to get an audience eye view of things and I don't usually want to go up in front of everyone to take a picture.