Is this stuff really useful??

Every now and then I get emails from folks who've found my blog or one of my books useful, whether it has to do with work, school, or a hobby. For the most part, these emails are positive...I haven't really received any negative comments, per se...but I also try to see if there's a way to have these comments made publicly available in some manner. Recently, one of the folks who emailed me consented to allowing me to post the body of their email to my, here it is...

I'll try to make this short. I have your first book and on more than one occasion, I've referenced it for information. A fellow examiner asked me about it one time and even read through it to some extent. He later commented that it was a pretty good book but the author wasn't even a certified examiner. I let it go because everyone has their opinion. About a week or so ago, he was preparing to testify in a case and the subject of external drives and USB flash drives came up. I showed him your chapters concerning the registry and USB storage. Long story way too long, his newly gained knowledge of the registry and USB helped out enormously during the trial to the point that the other side didn't even have their expert take the stand. He is now a converted HC follower and has plans to purchase your upcoming WFA 2/e as I will be doing the same. Anyhow, I thought you would find this pretty amusing....I did.

Pretty amusing, definitely. Cory Altheide and I conducted the first publicly available research into USB removable storage device artifacts on Windows systems many, many moons ago, and since then, I'd have to say that it's probably the most popular and most asked-about set of artifacts...and maybe even one of the most misunderstood.