Light CMS

Howdy readers!! So today I was working with some JavaScript, and playing around with some HTML. I was scanning for some pre-defined templates, when I came across a brilliant web application. It is called Light CMS and was made by a group called Veniatium. I really like this application, because it allows you to use pre-defined gooey interfaces for fast editing, and quick addition. But it also lets you get nitty-gritty and edit all HTML yourself, and even define your own CSS templates. It lets you set up Photo Galleries and Forms using JavaScript, and even allows you to set up Login functions and User Roles. The open-endedness of this application has me star-struck, and it is really alot of fun to use. The best part is, ITS FREE! Just follow this link, and you are on your way to making professional looking websites! Whether you have no experience, or lots, I am sure you will find this tool useful. I find it even more helpful as a programmer, because it actually gives you the HTML options, and lets you finalize anything you want. I really enjoy this tool, and hopefully you will see me extend it to its full capabilities.