Meet the Bloggers, Meet the Profs

IPKat team member Jeremy is now in Seattle, where he is gearing himself up for several days of intensive networking, discussion and education at the 131st International Trademark Association Meeting (click here for full programme). Apart from the Meet the Bloggers get-together (hosted this year by Seattle Trademark Lawyer Michael Atkins), to which all readers are cordially invited (details here), his main preoccupation is the session on Monday 18 May that will be held on "A Hitchhiker's Guide to Privilege, Ethics and Law in Cyberspace and the Real World". Don't be fooled by the line-up of speakers (Professors John T. Cross, David Hricik and Thomas C. Folsom) into thinking that this is mere theory: although the speakers are academics, the subject is a real live one -- a subject that many practitioners and their clients have yet to wake up to. Come to this session, which Jeremy is moderating, and you won't be disappointed!