John Enser from Olswang has written to the IPKat with more on the pan-European copyright licence which the Kat noted earlier in the week. He wrote:
At a conference on Tuesday, Jean-Eric de Cockborne, Head of Audiovisual & Media Policy, denied that there was any truth at all in the New York Times report. The Commission is undertaking a study to consider whether there should be some changes to the present copyright licensing regime (and in particular the Coditel 2 principle that permits absolute territorial protection in "performance" licences) and the resulting country-by-country distribution structure with a view, in particular, to making it easier for nationals outside their home member states to receive programmes broadcast in their home member state, but at present no legislative proposal has been made and any decision will be a matter for the new Commission and Parliament once in place later in the year. Of course the same issue is also at stake in the case currently before the ECJ concerning the legality of the reception in pubs of foreign satellite transmissions.
Mysterious, says the IPKat. We'll have to wait to see how things pan out.
More on the European copyright licence
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Friday, May 08, 2009