Top Patent Blogs: your chance to vote!

Gene Quinn's IP Watchdog weblog is conducting a poll of the Top Patent Blogs. This is not the first time that this exercise has been conducted (polls of this sort seems to be very popular in the United States) but it is the first time it's being conducted with an enhanced methodology. As Gene explains, there are:
" ... 50 patent blogs for you to choose from. Question 1 asks which patent blog is your favorite, and question 2 asks which patent blogs you regularly read. Only one selection is permitted for question 1, but multiple selections are permitted for question 2. For each question 1 vote a total of 2 points will be awarded. For each question 2 vote a total of 1 point will be awarded. Each computer will be allowed only one opportunity to vote, so that we do not run into an American Idol situation where diehard fans can vote hundreds of times and skew results".
Voting will continue until 30 June 2009. Once voting is complete the results will be tabulated and the Top Patent Blogs will be announced some time at the beginning of July 2009. 

To his great excitement, the IPKat notes that he has been listed among the 50, along with some of his personal favourites (PatLit, IP:JUR and Spicy IP are listed too, which shows that not all the blogs on the ballot box are from that prolific jurisdiction, the United States). If you feel that you can vote for him with a clear conscience, please do so by following the simple instructions here.