Brave New gTLDs?

Oh brave new world of new gTLDs - a view perhaps not shared by everyone. The Guardian today reports of a new study which reveals that 65% of the British population (or 65% of the 1000 British consumers asked by the Future Laboratory and who conducted the study) believe that the introduction of new generic top level domains (gTLDs) could turn the internet into rather messy and chaotic place and also raise ownership conflicts.

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According to the Guardian, the report gives numerous examples of gTLD's that could offend, such as the gTLD ".god" and ".war" and also predicts that there could be conflicts ahead depending on the respective use of the new gTLDs. ICANN, The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, introduced its plans concerning new gTLD's last October (see here on the ICANN's website).

".ipkat" anyone?