Congratulations John and Andrew!

Happy birthday, Her Majesty the Queen! And it's a happy day too for two people who have received honours for services to intellectual property. They are, in no particular order:
* Patent attorney John Grant (right), who receives the MBE for services to intellectual property (for details of his valour, click here). And please don't send the IPKat any jokes about "patent grant" -- unless they're both novel and non-obvious.

* Andrew John Beale, for services to intellectal property and business in Wales (see Andrew's profile here) -- and it's not every day that academics are given an OBE for services to business.
Congratulations to you both -- and if any readers spot others on the list whom the Kats may have missed, please let them know ... gently. They do sometimes miss a name, but it's not for any sinister reason!

ADDENDUM: by popular request, the Kats have added Malcolm Skingle from GSK, who played a leading role in creating the Lambert template agreements to assist in the commercialisation of university know how [thank you, to the several people who kindly drew attention to this omission]. His OBE was cunningly disguised as being 'For services to the
Pharmaceutical Industry'.