Downtown LA and the County Courthouse

Here's where the trial is.

There were 8 floors just like this one, with people who couldn't have been too happy since, if they were here, they were probably involved in a law suit. Made me feel lucky to live in Anchorage. At least our court buildings have windows. I'm not going to go into the details of the trial (it's unrelated to the accident,) though it was interesting to contrast it to the Federal trials I attended in Anchorage. Today was was jury selection. An interesting collection of people.

This is on Bunker Hill down the street from
the Disney Concert Hall.

Some of those same buildings from down below.

The Grand Central Market used to be one of my
favorite places in LA. It used to be like going to Mexico.
It still has a sense of those days.

I was surprised by how empty the streets of downtown are. I've noticed the same thing in Anchorage mid-mornings. In LA these mega-developments pretty much wipe out all the street level, human scaled shops and turn the blocks into giant sculptor parks, but without the human interaction of small shops or other human scaled buildings.

And this one on the LA Times building. With an agapanthus in front. I hope that is just a wrinkle of wisdom and not a crack of foreboding.