Getting J1 at the Airport

J1 and I were supposed to come to LA last Thursday for a trial he is involved in from a job he left two years ago. They've been setting trial dates since January 2008 and then postponing them. "They" meaning the court, not the parties. The trial was scheduled for last Friday. Then that was postponed until Tuesday (tomorrow) and J1 was told today it was still on so he came. I ended up leaving SFO Saturday so I could spend some time with my mom.

And we parked in a lot that had electric car only spaces which I hadn't seen anywhere before.

Then at J1's insistence, we stopped at the In-N-Out right at the edge of the airport and watched landing planes fly close overhead every two minutes.

And then we stopped at Hurry Curry on Venice and Beethoven and got real food to take home.

But Wikipedia confirms J1's claims
The company's business practices have been noted for employee-centric personnel policies. For example, In-N-Out is one of the few fast food chains in the United States to pay its employees significantly more than state and federally-mandated minimum wage guidelines – starting at $10 per hour in California, as of January 2008.[4]

In-N-Out was one of the very few restaurant chains given a positive mention in the book Fast Food Nation. The book commended the chain for using natural, fresh ingredients, cleanliness and great treatment of employees.
According to J1 they don't use frozen food, so all the food is more or less local.