The IPKat's learned friend and scholar, Professor
Charlotte Waelde, writes to inform him as follows:
"At SCRIPT (the AHRC funded research centre for studies in intellectual property and technology law at the University of Edinburgh) we have set up an independent 'think tank' called the Intellectual Property Foresight Forum (IPFF). The main purpose of the IPFF is to 'bring together intellectual property and media lawyers, postgraduates and others with related interests to discuss and collaborate on issues of importance in the development of intellectual property and media laws and policies'. Details can be found here.
We are aiming to engage in a variety of activities including the preparation and submission of opinions and responses to consultations and the development of joint funding bids.
We also want to build up databases of academics and PhD students working in these fields and hope that you might be interested in having your details included in the academic database and that your PhD students might be keen to have their details in the student database.
IPFF Academic Database
The purpose of this database is to make available information on Intellectual Property and Media academics in order to facilitate networking and foster research collaborations in IP and media law development and policy.
If you would like to be included in the database, please click here and fill out the online form.
IPFF PhD Database
The purpose of this database, which builds on the work of Professor Lionel Bently at CIPIL, University of Cambridge, is to facilitate the development of a UK wide community of Postgraduates and to act as a resource for both students and PhD Supervisors.
If you have PhD students working in the area of IP or media law who might like to be included, please ask them to click here and fill in the online form.
Other work
If you would like to get involved in any of the work of the Forum, such as submissions to consultations and joint funding bids, please do get in touch. I would be very pleased to hear from you".
If you are interested, you know where to click -- and if you want more information you can email Charlotte