June 18 and 19

I've spent the last four days mostly in the bowels of the this building - the Los Angeles County Courthouse. I know it doesn't look like it's nine stories, but that's because it's on a hill. On this end street level is the fourth floor. I won't go into the trial issue except it's a business case that my son is a party to. It was good to be with him four days last week in the Bay Area and see him in his current home and work environment and now to be with him while this is going on. Unfortunately, I won't see the rest of the trial, but fortunately I'll be back home with my wife over the weekend.
So this is just a quick post of a few pictures outside the courthouse.

We left home each morning at 8am. Went to court. Had lunch meetings. Back to court. Short to long meetings afterward. But I was amazed to see this tree growing through the asphalt and concrete of the Santa Monica Freeway.

Then we'd turned north onto the Harbor Freeway (which becomes the Pasadena Freeway after downtown.)

Last night after the trial, we met in the attorneys' conference room. This was a building as I walked over to their office.

And past Little Tokyo.

The conference room during a break. We got home at ten last night.

This morning before the court I got this picture of Bunker Hill buildings.

After lunch - we had a longer lunch because the judge had other cases to deal with - I went through the garden at the Disney Concert Hall which is kittycorner from the courthouse. I met this Belgian man who was here for a few days on business and trying to figure out how to see the places he wanted to get to. Actually, we 'met' when we were both trying to find the name tag for what turned out to be a naked coral tree.

And these are two more pictures of the Disney Hall at the entrance.