Mr. Wisples Lost and Found
Every now and then I allot myself about 30 minutes (whatever the timer on my watch is set for) to check out sites through Stumbleupon. Today I saw this poster: (It's in the middle of the page, best to "find in page" for Mr. Wisples)

I'm sure I saw that cloud yesterday hovering over Fred Meyer atOld Seward Highway and Benson.

Yes, I know it's not as plump as the one on the poster, but if you drifted all the way up to Anchorage from Hyperion Avenue, you wouldn't be as plump when you got here either. Now I just need to find a carrier pigeon.
I'm sure I saw that cloud yesterday hovering over Fred Meyer at

Yes, I know it's not as plump as the one on the poster, but if you drifted all the way up to Anchorage from Hyperion Avenue, you wouldn't be as plump when you got here either. Now I just need to find a carrier pigeon.