This Lammy's not for the slaughter: innovation Minister opens his books

The IPKat has been reading with increasing alarm about the expenses claims made by the British Members of Parliament on whose goodwill the future of intellectual property-based investment and industry in the United Kingdom exists. That's why he is so relieved to learn that the Minister with responsibility for intellectual property, David Lammy MP, has nothing to hide

Right: David Lammy, showing he has nothing to hide.

David, whose name has not been tarnished by this ongoing scandal [see the Telegraph here. A Google search of the terms 'British', 'MPs', 'expenses' and 'scandal' scored 193,000 hits], has opened his expenses up for public scrutiny, inviting local journalists, residents of his Tottenham constituency and prominent community figures to inspect his Parliamentary account in the interest of transparency. Said the Minister a fortnight ago:
"The last couple of weeks have created an unprecedented crisis in people’s belief in politics, shaking everyone’s trust in politicians and Parliament. Since the beginning of the expenses debate I have been working hard with the Parliamentary authorities to open my expenses claims to public scrutiny and I intend to publish them on my website for everyone in Tottenham to see at the earliest opportunity.

... Next week, I will be publishing my expenses in full on my website and asking for copies to be placed in Tottenham’s libraries for my constituents to review. I also intend to regularly publish all new expenses I incur in a timely way [The Kat couldn't find them when he last looked, but he's sure they'll be there soon].

 ... My expenses have been wholly incurred supporting my work as Tottenham’s MP, and in running a busy office which serves residents from one of the most deprived communities in Britain.

I am committed to seeing this system of Parliamentary expenses reformed, and welcome the fact that in the coming weeks we will have the chance in Parliament to elect a new Speaker who must be dedicated to rebuilding the public’s trust in politics and Members of Parliament".
David's general record over recent years can be found here. Says the IPKat, apart from the fact that he has apparently spent nothing on cats, there is little to comment on.  Adds Merpel, an extra bonus is that you can follow David Lammy here on Twitter ...