WFA 2/e eBooks

I've received a number of emails regarding ebook versions of WFA 2/e, and at this point, all I've been able to determine is that Elsevier will NOT be producing a PDF version of the book for sale. No, I don't know why, and to be honest, I'm as mystified as you are.

The information I have from the publisher at this time is that it takes about 1-2 months to produce the ebook version of a book, and multiple ebook versions are produced (Kindle, Safari, etc.). I've been told that while a PDF version will not be produced for sale, that there will be a version produced by Ingram (??) that will be available to be read on a computer, and I'm also told that this reader, like Adobe Reader, allows the ebook to be searched. Other than that, I have nothing...I don't even know where to download the reader just to take a look at it. Nor do I know when the ebook will be available in any version, nor how much it will cost.

That's all I have. Pretty amazing, eh? A large publishing firm like Elsevier, and an author such as myself is having trouble getting basic information.

So, all I can say is sorry (although I'm not sure why I'm the one saying that...), and if you really want to let someone know how you feel about this, email my editor...she's graciously consented to accepting your emails. Or stop by the Syngress table at the SANS Forensic Summit and let her know.