Linda McCarriston Amazes with Word Tricks

You have to work hard to hear the words - the sound on the video is not good. But such magnificent words describing the boys becoming men, growing, spreading, from green to ripe like tropical fruit on the trip to Iraq.
It was the third night of the Reading Series. Linda and I were once faculty members together at UAA and I know how brilliantly she illustrates ideas with words. But I was still surprised.
And I thought, perhaps poetry's time is once again here. Sure, I know there are poetry slams and there's been a revival of sorts. But that's still only the fringe. Given people's short attention spans, poetry is the perfect medium. Poets can now sell their poems one at a time on iTunes. Download a new poem each week onto your iPod. Each time it flows through the earbuds it tickles new brain cells.
Though good poetry doesn't come artificially sweetened in familiar flavors. It lays traps for your stereotypes and startles you with previously unseen glimpses of the heart. The common sparkles. Linda's "Green" does all that. Watch her on the video. Less than two minutes. But look her in the eye as she reads to you. It's magic.

Josip Novakovich read from one of his books, April Fool's Day I think. I really don't have the energy at this point to do him justice, so I just want to note that he was there and his reading was dark and funny. Finally he looked up to check on the time and saw he was just past 9:30pm and said, "It goes on, but it doesn't any get better."
Wednesday night Zack Rogow will read his work. I was impressed enough last year to buy one of his books and bought another one the other night. His poems tell difficult stories so easily. You can come hear him and others read.
8pm - Rasmuson Hall at UAA - Room 101. Free.
Click here for a complete schedule with bios.