Patent news

The IPKat is delighted to learn that the Intellectual Property Office has now removed from its website the offensive article on regulation of trade mark and patent attorneys that was the subject of his ire last Friday (see "You want to complain" and the 23 comments appended to it). He thanks his readers for expressing themselves in so forthright a manner, congratulates the representative bodies of the UK's patent and trade mark professions for the success of their diplomatic role in all of this, and expresses his gratitude to the IPO for making what must have been an uncomfortable and difficult decision to take the article down. Now we can all give peace a chance.

The IPKat is not quite so delighted that the Court of Appeal's ruling in Generics (UK) Ltd v Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co Ltd and Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 646 has been handed down today. It's not because he doesn't like the decision -- so far as he can see, it's spot-on -- but because he generally needs to wrap a cold wet towel around his poor little brain before reading any patent case, and on a hot day like today he can't get far before the towel is no longer cold and, once the water has evaporated, any moisture is self-generated. A note on this case will surely follow, but today.

Left: nothing to do with levafloxacin -- just a picture the IPKat conjured up from his search engine, using the terms wet + towel + head + cat