Patent person pursues path of practical experience

Following the sudden and gratifying expression of interest in the most recent "work wanted" post on this weblog, here's another. This, also from a charming and dynamic young lady, goes as follows:
"I am currently searching for work experience in the field of intellectual property. My interest lies primarily in patent work as I have a background in the life sciences, both at degree- and PhD-level. However, I am keen to gain experience in other areas of IP and will voluntarily assist readers of IPKat with any IP-related work.

This year I qualified with the MSc in the Management of Intellectual Property at Queen Mary University of London, passing with distinction the additional papers providing exemptions from the CIPA and ITMA foundation level exams.

My previous work experience involved working as an intern writing articles on the latest patent, trade mark and copyright cases for a monthly publication that provides the basis for IP training sessions at various London law firms. I have also been involved in various science communication activities, presenting biology workshops at
science festivals and writing science articles for newspapers.

I am a fast-learner, hard-working and enthusiastic. If you would value an extra pair of hands and someone with my experience, please contact me".