It may be crowded at Wimbledon's Centre Court later today, but there's still room for a few more bodies at the Intellectual Property Institute's seminar this afternoon. Dr Patricia Akester speaks on "The Impact of DRM on Access to Exceptions: The First Empirical Assessment" and IPKat team member Jeremy is in the chair. More information about the seminar
here. Booking details
This is going to be a serious read. Telecommentator -- the recently-founded
weblog of the IPKat's friend, author, communications regulation and transaction lawyer Colin Long -- is not for the faint-hearted. So if your IP interests take you in the direction of telecoms infrastructure, spectrum usage, superfast broadband et al, you may just want to keep an eye on it.
As a British author of some antiquity, many of whose books are now no longer available and who has generated a lengthy list of publications in periodicals, this member of the IPKat team is becoming increasingly perplexed about what precisely the proposed
Google Book settlement might mean to him personally [on the proposed settlement see the IPKat
here; 1709 Blog, citing Ron Kunstadt,
here]. Knowing that many readers of this blog are in much the same position, he guesses that he can't be alone. If enough readers -- and even their publishers -- would like to get together with him during the summer to discuss the legal and commercial dimensions, can they please email him
here with the subject heading 'Google Book'. If there's enough interest, we can get together for a drink and a chat.