ATRIP essay prize: it's not too late!

Time is fast running out for those proposing to enter the ATRIP Essay Competition 2009 for young researchers in intellectual property law. According to information received by the IPKat from a highly reliable source,
"The paper, which can pertain to any topic related to intellectual property law, should be written in English or French and submitted to the said Committee, care of Professor Jan Rosén (, no later than by August 31, 2009. The text of the paper should be no longer than 8,000 words, including footnotes. It should be presented in a way that ensures the author's anonymity when it is circulated to the members of the Executive Committee. The author of the paper should be no older than 33 years of age as of December 31, 2009.

The authors of the best three papers will be mentioned as such on the ATRIP website in an ad hoc section. In addition, the author of the best paper will be invited to give a presentation as a speaker at the 2010 ATRIP international annual conference to be held in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Committee reserves the right not to proclaim any or all winners should
the quality of the papers be considered insufficient".
The IPKat urges possible candidates to shake the dust off their keyboards and get on with their submissions. ATRIP is a lovely organisation, which really cares about the biggest issues of all in IP -- (i) getting to the truth as to how intellectual property operates in theory in practice and (ii) explaining it to students of the subject (and we are all students of the subject) so that they will understand it better and their decisions will then be better informed. ATRIP's members are the bees that pollenate the minds of practitioners, administrators, policy-makers and researchers. But unlike bees, ATRIP's members don't take the nectar away, they leave it behind in the form of fresh perspectives and revelations on creativity, innovation and the finest form of human endeavour.

Links to the winning essays in 2008 and 2009 here.