Because today is Friday: some "divine" patent entertainment

Our readers know that Friday is the traditional day of "light IP" on this blog and so the IPKat thanks Neil Thomson (Boult Wade Tennant) for alerting the kat to US patent US 2007035812 -"for amusement only" as Neil points out.

A divine cat (left) can be viewed at the British Museum.

The IPKat wondered how such an unusual patent could have gone unnoticed for so long and has conducted some background research into Chris Roller and his powers. So this Kat dutifully wants to give credit to the Patently-O weblog whose bloggers first reported on this patent in 2007. However, Merpel thinks that something as "divine" as this patent deserves to be mentioned at least twice: due to its heightened relevance in the times of the credit crunch and mostly because today is a Friday. Neil also raises a valid point when he muses that the patent "...kind of raises the question of whether he [Christopher Anthony Roller] is entitled to claim small entity status."

"Abstract of US 2007035812 (A1)

Christopher Anthony Roller is a godly entity. "Granters" had been given my powers (acquired my powers) (via God probably). These "granters" have been receiving financial gain from godly powers. These "granters" may be using their powers without morals. Chris Roller wants exclusive right to the ethical use and financial gain in the use of godly powers on planet Earth. The design of godly-products have no constraints, just like any other invention, but the ethnic consideration of it's use will likely be based on a majority vote of a group, similar to law creation. The commission
I require could range from 0-100% of product price, depending on the product's
value and use.

Description of US 2007035812 (A1)

[0001] Christopher Anthony Roller wants exclusive right to the ethical use and financial gain in the use of godly powers on planet Earth.

Please click here to retrieve the full patent details.
To read about the lawsuit between Christopher Roller and David Copperfield’s Disappearing, Inc., please click here.
To watch Christopher Roller talking about his powers, please click here.