Current JIPLAP

The August 2009 issue of Oxford University's flagship monthly IP journal, the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (JIPLAP), has been out for nearly a fortnight, but the personal copy of IPKat team member Jeremy, who edits it, has only just reached him. Items in this issue include the following:
* Lukasz Zelechowski (LDS Lazewski Depo & Partners, Warsaw) looks at current Polish law and practice on the securitising of patents and trade marks;
* "Reasonable royalties and the sale of patent rights", by Alan Shampine (Compass Lexecon) considers how far the price an unlicensed patent is sold for is a pointer as to its value for licensing;
* Nilanjana Sensarkar (Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, London) wonders whether the Indian entertainment industry is ready to tackle the challenges posed by Web 2.0;
* P. Sean Morris (University of Helsinki) considers the application of Article 82 EC and the principles of European competition law to the operations of copyright collecting societies.
The Editorial, "'Three Strikes' ... and then?", takes a dim view of the feasibilitiy of severing file-sharers from the internet. You can read it for free here.

List of editorial board panellists here
Full contents of this issue here
Free sample copy of JIPLAP here
Guidance for authors here
Read all of the past year's editorials at no cost here