Odds and Ends

My daughter returned home on Wednesday night, but we did get some alone time together on a hike on the Wolverine Peak trail. We didn't have time to go all the way to the top, but it was a good time on a trail we've hike since she could walk. Here's the creek at the bridge.

And the view of Anchorage from what used to be pretty much the end of the tree line.

We had dinner at the Greek Corner before heading to the airport. You have until the end of the month to eat at the "old" Greek Corner before they move. There is something about this building and the insides that just doesn't feel like being in a strip mall in Anchorage. (In part because you aren't) And the wait service has personality and know what they are doing. They'll have more space at the new place on Northern Lights across from Blockbusters, and apparently they will have all the old decorations, but I'll miss this unique spot.

DZ and I encountered these guys racing around Valley of the Moon Park in these giant balls.

And here's a license plate (and frame) of interest we passed in a UAA parking lot.

[UPDATE: August 28, 2009: I saw this license plate yesterday in the Title Wave parking lot. How many of these are out there?]