Primrose Campground Wet Mushroom Walk

I'm using "A picture is worth a thousands words" here. DZ and I went to Seward Sunday afternoon. Actually we stopped about 17 miles shy of Seward and camped at Primrose Campground. It was grey, but we took the trail head for about an hour before dinner. There's a reason these places are called rain forests. So here are some views, mostly of mushrooms. Then yesterday we went kayaking for three hours in the morning in Seward, had lunch with a former student who lives in Seward, then hiked to the edge of the Harding Icefield in the afternoon. This post is basically Primrose.

But, before you get there... In April, the Seward Highway was closed just below Moose Pass for a weekend + while they built a new bridge.

So, here's the new bridge.

But what wasn't clear, is that just before that bridge (if you're headed to Seward) is another bridge that is down to one lane with stoplights on both sides. It would seem that this is a basic infrastructure issue that should have been taken care of too. Will it be like this all winter?

Anyway, we got to Primrose and found a nice campsite along the river and took off on the Lost Lake trail. It was already 6pm, threatening to rain, and the trail was pretty muddy, so this was just a before-dinner stroll. And I'll let the pictures tell most of the story. At least what I saw.

Here's DZ on the trail.

Watermelon berries.

Most of these mushrooms I just can't identify
(and so we didn't add any to dinner),so you'll just have to
enjoy their beauty or weirdness without labels.

The blueberry I can id.

And I know this is a shelf mushroom, but not what kind.

After dinner, we walked over to the lake - this is the southern tip of Kenai Lake. The clouds were low, to say the least. And it started to rain finally.

The next morning - yesterday - the clouds had lifted
quite a bit as we headed to Seward.