The IPKat is under attack - from Google

Many of those wanting to read the IPKat over the last day or two will have seen the warning above. Don't panic - the IPKat has not turned into a malicious feline hacker distributing malware to his trusting readers. Instead, this seems to be a result of Google being a little overzealous in rooting through the IPKat's old posts (all the way back to 2005), and turning up a link (now removed) in one of them to a site that may (or may not) be an intermediary to another site that may (or may not) be hosting malware. The chances of being infected by viewing any of the IPKat's pages are therefore pretty remote.

The IPKat is doing all he reasonably can to rectify the situation, and hopes that things will be back to normal shortly. In the meantime, other means of reading the blog by feed and email should work just fine.