Friday fanfare

It's surprising how quickly Friday comes round again -- and with it the golden opportunity to check on all those exciting forthcoming IP events that are listed in the sidebar. One small thing, says the IPKat: if you plan to attend any of the listed events, can you please click through to the event manager via the link provided, rather than write to the IPKat who, much as he'd like to, can't register you for it.

Following on from the Kat's recent post on internet citations before the European Patent Office, the Kat has received a missive from the ever-provocative Patently Rubbish, who tells him:
"I'm actually looking forward to the first EPO examiner who cites a blog entry against one of my cases, so that I can send him this link".

Around the blogs: in-house IP counsel Pamela Chestek has asked the IPKat to remind his readers of the existence of her weblog, Property, Intangible, which focuses on IP rights ownership issues. "TIFWIW", says Pamela.

It's the Jewish New Year this weekend, and the IPKat, Merpel and Tufty take this opportunity to wish all their readers, of every religious persuasion, political opinion and personal orientation a year of peace, prosperity and pulchritudinous plenitude. For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby stated that the recipients of this expression include the World Intellectual Property Organization, the European Commission, OHIM, the European Patent Office and their respective staff, the judiciary of the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance -- and the people who write the press releases which cause the Kat so much amusement, annoyance and inspiration.