Guests to Airport and Checking Out Consumer World

I took our guests to drop off their rental car. Since they wanted to go to McCarthy in Wrangle-St. Elias National Park, they had to get a local company that allowed driving on the McCarthy road. The look of the place was a refreshing change from the standard airport car rental clones. Even on a rainy morning it was bright and cheery.

Coming back from the airport we often pass this giant furniture store that popped up on this corner a few years ago, but we've never gone in.

Still a little embarrassed by the saggy hide-a-bed couch our guests slept on, I decided to just see what Bailey's has to offer. I haven't looked at furniture in Anchorage for many years. I just remember it being expensive and with a limited selection. I didn't get far on this early Saturday visit before Pam asked if I needed any help, coffee, soft drink, etc. I said I was just looking and she left me alone. Later, I did catch Pam and her trainee, DeLynn 'lying down on the job.'

I wandered into what I thought was a small section. Hah! The Home Theater section is bigger than most Anchorage furniture stores. There I ran into Pam and DeLynn again. It looked like I had to retrace my steps and they came along. It was very low key, I think it was clear I wasn't going to buy anything, but they did want to show me around and make sure I saw the waterfall.

Above the waterfall to the second floor is a large rock wall with various birds and other animals. I'm not much of a big time consumer and this is not the kind of place I spend much time, but since I prod others to go places they haven't gone before, I think I have to take my own advice, so there I was.

Most of the furniture is just not my taste, but I thought the prices were reasonable by Anchorage standards, though I can't judge the quality well. And, if nothing else, on a cold wintry day, this store might be a good place to go walking. You can go up and down the stairs and there's lots of room, plus they give you free coffee.

Somehow I feel compelled to say this is not a paid store ad, it's not even an ad. It's just part of Anchorage and so is fair game for this blog. And Pam and DeLynn were delightful hosts.