Krestia on Goldberg

I cringed when I heard that Jonah Goldberg was coming to talk to UAA students. It's not that he's a Conservative columnist, it's his style. My sense is that he's Rush with an academic veneer. His columns seem meant to anger, to distract us from real issues. Bring up Conservative columnists and Liberal columnists, but ones who bring their biases to what they study to illuminate and raise questions that cause us to rethink something we think we already know, or to start to grasp something we're scratching our heads about.

But I did think I should at least go and hear what he had to say, but I completely missed it by not keeping track of when it was supposed to be.

Fortunately, the Press went, and Krestia at the Anchorage Press wrote an interesting review of Goldberg's talk. (I say 'interesting' because I don't know how accurately he reported the talk, but what he wrote was interesting.) The basic point he says Goldberg made was that these are great times to be a journalist. I don't want to say much more since I wasn't there and you can read Krestia's column yourself at the link above.