The September 2009 issue of Oxford University's flagship monthly IP journal, the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (JIPLAP), has finally reached IPKat team member Jeremy, who edits it. Items in this issue include the following:
* OHIM's Director of Designs Pedro Rodinger reviews the first few Community design cases to come before the Court of First Instance;
* "Patent term extensions for human drugs under the US Hatch-Waxman Act", by Covidien's Jeffrey S. Boone;
* Md Rizwanul Islam (Northern University, Bangladesh) asks whether it would be prudent for Singapore to use the EU's sui generis database right as a model for its own protection of databases;
* Katya Assaf (Hebrew University) offers a semiotic perspective on trade mark dilution;
* "Marks as imitations of State emblems" -- Grzegorz Pacek (Marek Planka & Partners) takes a heraldic point of view.
The Editorial, "Caveat Caritas!", reflects upon attitudes towards IP as reflected in the latest Papal encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, on the subject. You can read the full text here.

List of editorial board panellists here
Full contents of this issue here
Free sample copy of JIPLAP here
Guidance for authors here
Read all of the past year's editorials at no cost here