More Fun Guests

A friend of a friend and her sister arrived last night. This is their first trip to Alaska and they planned something a little different from most first trips. They're headed off to the ferry to Valdez from Whittier today. Then to McCarthy in Wrangle-St. Elias National Park where they will spend most of the time before driving back to Anchorage. Since the road to McCarthy is notorious for causing flat tires, they couldn't rent a car from a 'normal' car rental place and had found High Country which was the first stop from the airport.

The huge full moon had just come up as we rode the rest of the way home in two cars.

I woke up 'early' to find that J had gotten up even earlier and made a nice breakfast for our guests. I told them I needed this picture in case they didn't show up on time and I had to show the police their picture. Fortunately, their sense of humor was as warped as mine. Or maybe they were just being polite guests.

Well, the moon seemed that big. Would you believe. . .