And the next EPO President is ...

Following his post earlier this week, the IPKat has just heard that the EPO Administrative Council have failed to reach an agreement on who should be the next EPO President. None of the candidates managed to get the required qualified majority of three quarters of the votes cast by member states. The Council has therefore decided to continue the election process at its next meeting in December.

The IPKat is slightly disappointed at this news, but on the other hand is heartened that his poll results might now be useful to tell the Administrative Council which way they should be voting. After 179 votes, the poll gives the Swedish candidate Susanne Ås Sivborg a commanding lead with 107 votes, 59% of the total. The next highest scoring candidate, Roland Grossenbacher (apparently the current front-runner), has so far managed only 29 votes.

If you have not yet voted for your favourite candidate, please do so. The poll is still up on the sidebar and, given the recent news, the IPKat has decided to leave the poll open for another week to give everyone interested a chance to have their say.