Being Where You Can Find Out What You're Good At

A great part of individual 'success' and happiness comes from living
a) where you have the opportunity to discover your talents, and
b) where those talents are appreciated.

We rode down to the beach and the Venice Skate Plaza again and found a variety of skills.

Right near the plaza is a place where you can do your own graffiti legally, but you need a permit.

At the skateboard plaza we saw people with varying levels of skills.


And then there was this seven year old girl who skated like the board was part of her body.

This kid has an obvious innate talent here and is in an environment where she could discover that talent and where it was nurtured. She's only seven and skating with a natural skill and at a level that I only saw in a few of the skaters here over the four times I've dropped by. Finding our skills and being able to develop them; much of success is just being at the right place at the right time.