Beverly Hills Outing

My mom had a dentist appointment in Beverly Hills. We found a parking place right in front of the building and went up with her.

We left her as she was getting into the chair. She's walking better each day, but it still hurts sitting down and getting up.

Then we went walking around the block.

And then down into a residential neighborhood. This cactus was in a little buffer park between Santa Monica Blvd. and the houses.

The rose was in someone's yard.

Home security is a booming business here.

The street was lined with magnolia trees.

These looked like plumeria trees with fat trunks. Not sure what they were, but I liked the whole effect.

We wandered back part way down an alley just to see what things looked like from the back door.

This house wall was much more interesting from the alley side than from the street side.

We picked up my mom and walked a couple shops down to the Camden House which turned out to have great Iranian food.

We assumed eating in downtown Beverly Hills would be very pricey. My lunch was $9.

Lunch would have been perfect except for this woman who used the restaurant as her office and spent most of lunch working out classroom arrangements for a French professor - who apparently was negotiating on the other side in her car - in a voice so loud that it was hard for us to talk. She had no shame whatsoever. WLA College, find some office space for your employees.

My mom said that if you have your handicapped sticker you didn't have to worry about putting money in the meter. She certainly qualifies for the sticker, but I still put money in. But she persuaded me not to put in more for lunch. I noticed all the cars that were there for a long time, including this one, had handicapped stickers and no money in the meters.