Fence and Gate are Moving Along

Brian got a lot of work done today. I bundled the ivy and tree branches that were piled in the driveway for collection Monday. Tomorrow is a day off.

Here's the pole he was drilling in the section between my mom's house and the neighbors.

The picture on top goes to the left of the picture below. The old fence is leaning there against the house and will go up on the hill where Brian's working above. There's new fencing for fence and gate in the picture below.
You can see the earlier pictures here. It's amazing how you get used to a space and don't think about how it could look if you made a few changes. Just opening up the fence changed the look a lot. This evening I thought, gee, we could take out some of the hill and put a little table for breakfast in there. Nothing 'is' permanently and often problems force us to something better than we would have done. In this case the bad gate is offering new opportunities.