Friday factualities

Make Friday your day for checking the list of forthcoming events in the IPKat's side bar. As ever, this week contains some new items. We might even see you at one (or more) of them!

Around the blogs. IP Tango -- which has now taken upon itself the onerous responsibility for tracking all the developments relating to IP licensing, enforcement and ambush marketing arising from the Rio 2016 Olympic Games -- is hoping to recruit some more talent for its blogging team. So if you come from or are connected with IP in Latin America, have lots to say about IP law, business and practice there, and have plenty of energy and commitment, Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella Martinez would love to hear from you if you email him here. Meanwhile, if you like participating in IP blog polls, you have three days left to decide how best to solve the impending problem of having no judge for the Patents County Court (see PatLit's sidebar here), and just two days to help choose a new name -- or preserve the old one -- for the institution that administers the Community trade mark and Community design systems in Alicante (see the IPKat's side bar here).

The IPKat has heard of an interesting settlement involving a dispute between the English Premier League (football, that is) and other claims and LCD Publishing Limited. As is sadly so often the case, the details of the settlement are confidential but they include an agreement by LCD not to publish magazines which are not permitted by the photographic licence regimes operated by the Premier League, the Football Association and UEFA. LCD Publishing also agrees not to infringe the “Arsenal” and “Premier League” trade marks or copyright in the Liverpool and Arsenal crest and the Premier League’s Lion and Ball logo. The Premier League, represented by Clarion, is also pocketing an undisclosed sum in settlement of its damages claim. The thing that fascinates the IPKat here is the bit about agreeing "not to publish magazines which are not permitted by the photographic licence regimes" in question. Presumably, if LCD were not licensees of the photos in the first place, they would not be so restricted. Any thoughts?

A new journal, Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law, is currently soliciting and reviewing submissions. For further details, click here. If you'd like to write for it, email Editor-in-Chief Ashwin Krishnan here. Not quite so new but still recent is the Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law, which is accepting papers for its third volume to be released in 2010. The final date for submission of papers is 30 October 2009. You can discover more about this journal here, or email Dhananjaya Mishra (on behalf of the Editorial Board) here.

A valued reader, Richard Nugent (Rothamsted Research Ltd), has drawn the IPKat's attention to the Boliven analytical website which, he says, provides "a whole host of info on patents, and research networks". He adds: "I tested it following an enquiry from a researcher and it came up with some very good data which I would not have found otherwise through searching on patent websites". The Kats would like to receive readers' experiences.