
Not much new, so here are some links to things I've found interesting...

Some of the TrustWave guys were at SecTor this past week...check out Chris's write-up on the event. Chris's presentations, and others, can be found here.

An astute reader found that the Kindle edition of WFA 2/e is now available. Thanks, Tom!

Matt Shannon posted recently on New Directions in Electronic Evidence Collection, regarding a conference he's attending at the University of Florida.

If you need to get specific information, such as product keys, from a Windows installation, check out KeyFinder from Magical Jelly Bean Software. Hey, it even has command line options so you can include it in your live response batch files!

If you haven't done so in a while, check out the e-Evidence site...the most recent update appears to be about 22 Sept, and Christina has linked some really interesting files, like this one and this one. There are even a couple of papers on forensics involving social networks (here, and here).