Out today! WIPO's new IP journal

The IPKat congratulates publishers Sweet & Maxwell on getting issue 1 of the new WIPO Journal out on time (you can get all the necessary details here). His excitement is of course nothing to do with the fact that one of IPKat team member Jeremy's little pieces of pungent prose slipped gracefully past the peer reviewer and glided into the new title. Normally the IPKat would not have mentioned his contribution, but for the sake of completeness and in the interest of truth he felt he should mention that it was a fun thing to write.

Right: it has been a long time since the IPKat ever had to submit an article in pencil

Anyway, the substantive contents of the first issue look like this:
"The global intellectual property order and its undetermined future: Peter K Yu

The pre-history and establishment of the WIPO: Christopher May

International norm-making in the field of intellectual property: a shift towards maximum rules? Annette Kur

Some consequences of misinterpreting the TRIPS Agreement: Susy Frankel

Seizure of generic pharmaceuticals in transit based on allegations of patent infringement: a threat to international trade, development and public welfare
Frederick M. Abbott

Threshold requirements for copyright protection under the International Conventions: Sam Ricketson

Rethinking of copyright institution for the digital age: Yoshiyuki Tamura

Internet piracy as a wake-up call for copyright law makers – is the “graduated response” the good reply?? Alain Strowel

The Lisbon Agreement’s misunderstood potential: Daniel Gervais

What is “traditional cultural expression”? – international definitions and their application in developing Asia: Christoph Antons

One hundred years of progress: the development of the intellectual property system in China: Handong Wu

The China-US relationship on climate change, intellectual property and CCS: requiem for a species? Peter Drahos

Intellectual property and the transfer of green technologies: an essay on economic perspectives: Keith E Maskus

I wouldn't want to be starting from here, or why isn't intellectual property research better than it is? Jeremy Phillips".