Santa Monica Farmers' Market

Actually, there are several Farmers' Markets in Santa Monica. This is one we can walk to from my mom's place.

These prickly pears were growing on the wall of a house we
passed on the way to the market.

We went to the Saturday Market at Virginia Avenue
park at Cloverfield and Pico.

I bought half a dozen vegie-jalapeno tamales. Mmmmmm.

The juice was soooo good.

You can double click on the picture to see all the details. For all the environmental consciousness, there were sure a lot of big cars in the parking lot and I don't recall seeing a bike rack. But I'm sure I just needed to look harder. (I know Ropi what you're thinking - more on where the garbage goes.)

Yes, they're potatoes.

This is the underside of the orchid flower, but this 'mask' caught my eye.

Walking home with our bounty.

As you may have guessed, we got my mom's internet working again. J and M, the wifi info is under the router.