Sophisticated Spam

I got the following email just now. It is from someone I know, at least the name is. And the email address was very similar to his. But Phil wouldn't be in England right now plus there are a few English errors. Besides, Phil would never put a table into an email. But it's slicker than coming from someone I don't know. But does it mean someone is stealing his email? Or my email? Or someone's email?

Subject: Help Me Please!!!
From: "Philip Munger"
Date: Mon, October 5, 2009 8:59 am
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Priority: Normal
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How are you doing? hope all is well with you and i pray this email finds you in good health, i am sorry that i didn’t inform you about my traveling to England for a Seminar.

I need a financial favor from you because i misplaced my wallet on my way to the hotel where my money and other valuable things were kept i will like you to assist me with a loan urgently. I will need the sum of $2,800 to sort-out my hotel bills and get myself back home.

I will appreciate whatever you can afford to help me with, i’ll pay you back as soon as i return. Kindly let me know if you can be of help? So that i can send you the details to use when sending the money through western union.

Your reply will be greatly appreciated.


[Update 4pm Anchorage Time:


As you figured out, my gmail and blog were briefly hijacked this morning. Whoever did it also destroyed my gmail address book and contacts, but did not erase my gmails sent or received on that account, so the address book can be rebuilt. I've changed the password and added a new level of security. It does appear that my gmail account is not receiving incoming mail at this time, though, and the scammer deleted all information on the exchange that led up to the
password being compromised.

Thanks to all who alerted me by email, phone calls and texts. I was happily surprised at how quickly google was able to help get things back to what I hope will be normal.

Phil Munger]