WSUS Troubleshooting

The information below is concerning the Windows Update process and a WSUS service on the backend.  To manually start the process to have a Windows client to check for new updates, run this command at the command prompt:

 wuauclt.exe /detectnow

If new updates to not appear to be downloaded, open the following file and check for errors.


One procedure to use if updates are not “flowing” is to stop the automatic updates service, delete the %SystemRoot%\softwaredistribution folder, start automatic updates service, run wuauclt.exe /detectnow and wait about 10 minutes.

Another procedure would be to at a command prompt run:

regsvr32 /u wuaueng.dll

Delete the folder %SystemRoot%\softwaredistibution

Delete %SystemRoot%\windowsupdate.log

At a command prompt run:

 regsvr32 wuaueng.dll

At a command prompt run:

 net start wuauserv

At a command prompt run:

wuauclt.exe /resetauthorization /detectnow

Another possibility is to download an updated client.  Details can be found at:

When updating the local client, the following command line parameter may be used to force the installation:

WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe /wuforce

The SUSID is how WSUS identifies each and every system in it's environment.  The path within the Registry for this information is:



If a computer is being cloned, the key above may need to be deleted so the new machines are displayed as separate items within the WSUS console.